How To - Articles - More Information

Textile Samples 
Part of the requirements of being a member was weaving a sample for the annual sample exchange. There was a exchange of fabric samples yearly, with a sample exchange of dyed yarn with recipes every several years.  See the samples now! 

Archival Issues of Medieval Textiles Newsletter
Issues of the Newsletter are available for researchers and weavers. Send Nancy an email to access the issues you wish to see, or look on Amazon for monographs of Nancy's research. Please remember that these articles reflect sometimes years of research and experiential archeology. Copyrights exist not to exclude but to encourage people to create new rather than copy the old. Please honor the copyrights. If you have need to share anything, please give credit where credit is due, and also ask permission. Most people are generous if they know beforehand their work will be shared and with whom. Copyrights are held by Nancy M. Michael/Nancy M. McKenna as well as the individual authors.
A listing of bibliographies regarding various aspects of Medieval Life, Textiles, Dress, and Philosophy. 
More Information:
See the resulting information from Nancy's travels, far and not so far.
PDF's of Techniques:

How to Create a weaving draft from a fabric sample.

Drafts of Fabric weave patterns from Archeology

Non-Medieval (Post Medieval plus Modern textile works)